The Directors of The Haurun Club Limited (hereafter referred to as the ‘Company’) shall, at their absolute discretion, determine the terms under which individuals may become or remain Members of the Club.
Without limiting the generality of the above, the Directors have the authority to set the amounts and terms for Registration and Membership Fees, as well as any Complimentary and Concessions, the total number of Members, and any other conditions related to Membership.
The Directors also possess the power to raise the Membership Fee, effective January 1 of any given year. They may also specify the number of Members and other conditions pertaining to Membership, provided that notice of any such changes is given to all Members at least 30 days before the commencement of the new membership season.
The Directors are responsible for deciding the number of Members and maintaining complete financial control of the Club. They oversee the management of Club affairs, which includes the creation and enforcement of Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws. The Directors retain the authority to alter these Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws as necessary. Additionally, the Directors may appoint a Chief Executive. All Rules, Regulations, and Byelaws shall be binding on all Members of the Club.
The Directors have the absolute power to terminate or suspend the membership of any Member at any time without providing a reason. No appeal shall lie from this determination, nor shall any Member have any claim or remedy against the Club or the Directors, except that the Directors may reconsider such termination upon receiving a requisition signed by no fewer than twenty Members.
No Member shall attempt to persuade any employee of the Club to leave their position.
Without prejudice to the provisions herein, the Directors will periodically approve and publish procedures to be followed by the Club if there are allegations of misconduct against a Member that may warrant termination or suspension of that Member’s membership, other than for non-payment of subscription.
**Member Code of Conduct**
Members are expected to demonstrate consideration at all times towards other Members, guests, visitors, and staff, both online and in person. They should communicate respectfully and avoid causing offense through behavior, conduct, language, or attire.
If a Board Director or the Chief Executive believes there may have been a breach of the Club’s Rules, Byelaws, or Code of Conduct by any Member, whether representing the Club inside or outside its premises, and that such breach may be damaging to the Club's reputation, character, interests, or good order, the Chairman of the Membership Committee will refer the matter to the Board of Directors for review.
**Other Terms of Membership**
New Members must pay a Registration Fee and will receive an invitation to meet with other Members to discuss membership. Payment is made upon completing the Club’s Steps to Membership ‘Registration and Verification.’
A Premier Member holds membership for one season, from September 2 to September 1 of the following calendar year. Premier Members are exempt from paying a Membership Fee outside of the Registration Fee.
An Honorary Member also holds membership for one season, from September 2 to September 1 of the following calendar year, and is not required to pay a Membership Fee, as they may receive a ‘complimentary membership.’
A Board Member is entitled to membership for one season, from September 2 to September 1 of the following calendar year. Board Members must pay an annual Membership Fee but may receive a concession that discounts their fee. Such concessions are time-sensitive.
Membership seasons are designated as SS[YEAR], where “YEAR” is the year the membership season commences. For instance, the membership season 2025-2026 would be referenced as ‘SS25,’ commencing on September 2, 2025.
Members will be notified to renew their membership 30 days prior to the start of the upcoming season. An email reminder will be sent on this date, followed by weekly reminders until the new season begins. The Haurun Club cannot be held liable for any Members who fail to receive or review these emails. Moreover, the Club will not provide a previous concession to any Member who has failed to receive their reminder email.
Members may resign their membership at any time; however, no refunds will be offered for this action. Any resigning Member will remain liable for all subscription payments for the duration of their membership.
Members wishing to upgrade to a higher tier must adhere to the applicable rules.
The Directors may, at their absolute discretion, withdraw any discounts from any Member who has been in breach of these Rules at any time, for any period or indefinitely.
All payments must be made to The Haurun Club via Stripe. Neither The Haurun Club nor its staff, members, or anyone else has access to or receives any bank details, as payments are made directly through a link sent from an email address ending in
If any aspects of membership (including payments) are not completed by 1 September each year, the upcoming membership will be nullified. No member, current or former, may participate in any benefits or privileges of the Club until their membership fees are paid.
Any member undergoing an insolvency process (including but not limited to bankruptcy or an individual voluntary arrangement) must promptly notify the Club’s Chief Executive in writing, providing relevant details. The Directors may require any member they believe to be insolvent to immediately pay any amounts owed to the Club or that they expect to become due within the next 12 months. If a member fails to make a required payment, the Directors may suspend their membership by written notice.
Any member who is arrested, charged, or convicted in connection with a criminal offense involving dishonesty, or which could result in imprisonment upon conviction, must promptly notify the Club’s Chief Executive in writing, including relevant particulars, and must keep them informed of the situation. The Haurun Club may assist members facing such unfortunate circumstances by investigating any charges with our Partner Company, Justice on Appeal Ltd.
Suggestions should be submitted to the Chief Executive in writing or through the comment card system. Any complaints regarding the conduct of Club employees or the Management should be made in a letter to the Chief Executive, who will present these complaints to the Directors. Under no circumstances may a member reprimand a Club employee.
Each member must provide their postal and email addresses to the Membership Team and update them as necessary. All notices sent to these addresses shall be considered duly delivered.
The Club takes members' privacy very seriously. We have a Privacy Policy that outlines how and for what purposes we use the information collected from members and prospective members through our application process, payment of fees and subscriptions, our website, and any correspondence. A copy of the Privacy Policy is available from the Membership Team upon request or on our website. By applying for, becoming, or continuing to be a member and utilizing any services provided by the Club, members and prospective members agree to be bound by this policy regarding the information collected about them through any of these methods
ELECTRONIC DEVICES (Other than medical)
Members, their children, and guests are required to use electronic devices in a manner that is unobtrusive, silent, and compatible with the peaceful enjoyment of the Club premises by all users, especially concerning noise.
Mobile phones and other electronic devices should only be used to log in or contact other members. No other individual may have access to our members, online or otherwise. Violations of this rule will result in immediate cancellation of membership for the offending member and all associated family members.
Making or receiving calls during events is prohibited; devices must be set to silent or vibrate to avoid disturbing others. Video calling platforms may not be used at events unless explicitly allowed by our Director.
No screenshots or recordings of our members, events, or platforms may be made under any circumstances; breaches will lead to automatic cancellation of membership for the offending member and their family members. Any such breaches will be publicly addressed, naming the member.
The use of electronic devices as video or still cameras is strictly forbidden. Members or guests wishing to use photographic, film, or video equipment during events must first obtain written approval from our Director via email. Members are expected to comply with the instructions of staff responsible for enforcing this rule.
Prior permission from the Chief Executive or Marketing Manager must be obtained before any papers, placards, written, or printed materials related to The Haurun Club are displayed. No member may circulate information to the membership, in whole or in part, without the Chief Executive's prior permission.
The Haurun Club does not accept any responsibility for any injury and or otherwise.
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